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3, 2, 1 Bridge

Initial thoughts:                                                                                             After Thoughts 

Ma Long is not world no.1 he is weaker than Fan Zhendong.         Ma Long is the GOAT and is stronger                                                                                                                            than any player in the current game. 


Hes never had trouble being the top in the world       He has struggled with defeating other players and                                                                                                     has worked hard to achieve what he has already. 



Waldner and other European players are better than Ma          Chinese players don't get enough credit                                                                                                                        from outsiders and European players                                                                                                                            are  weak when you compare them. 



Why did Ma long keep losing to Wang Hao?                                      Why did Ma Long not get picked for                                                                                                                            2012 Olympics? 


Why is Ma Long considered old? He is only 33.                                Why is Ma Long being forced to retire? 




Ma Long's life is as perfect as anybody can wish for.                     Ma Long's life has had to many struggles 

                                                                                                                           For an average                                                                                                                                                              

                                                                                                                       person to understand 




Bridge thoughts. 

My new thoughts are better than my old thoughts as they are deeper and cannot just be answered by a quick google of the answer and are deeper and show a more deep knowledge of understanding that only a real table tennis fan could ask properly and know it's really a good question. My initial thoughts were very uneducated and showed how unknowledgeable I was from table tennis professionals. European table tennis players and usually considered goats by outsiders but if you understand the sport or have watched full games you will know that Chinese players and much stronger. These original or 'base' thoughts are a clear representation of how people say things that they think are true without doing their legitimate research. So many people currently base their ideas and what they think is a fact on little research from bias webpages and videos online.  

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